Picture this - Chilling on a boat, cruising through the beautiful canals of Leiden with a drink in hand. Sounds good? Say no more, ISN has the chillest Boat Tour for you! πŸ›ΆπŸ˜πŸΊ

No excuses not to join as the πŸ”†ISN Summer WeekendπŸ”† is just getting started! Afterwards we will go to the ISN Common Room to enjoy some cocktails as it will be ISN's Very Last Cocktail Party. (Happy Hour 19:30-20:30)🍸

🎟 Tickets 🎟
➫ ISN-Members €5,00
➫ Non-Members €7,50
➫ Group ticket ISN-Members (4 people): €12,00 [only 4 available]
Get your ticket online (+€1,00) or at the ISN Common Room Tue-Fri 3-7 PM.

✨ Included within your ticket ✨
➫ Private boat (the one on the picture!) with 44 other ISN'ers
➫ 2 hours on Leiden's canals with a guide showing us the way
➫ At least 2 cooled beers per person (we will bring cool boxes filled with ice + as many extra drinks as we can carry!)

πŸ”Ž Extra information πŸ”Ž
➫ Docking area: Apothekersdijk at Dock #5
➫ You're allowed to bring more drinks & food on board if you want, as long as we leave our boat clean afterwards!

For more information look on Facebook! Ticket sales start medio-May.

07/06/2019 - 16:30 to 18:30