When should you plan to arrive in the Netherlands? Before making your travel plans, find out about the welcome service offered on certain dates by Leiden University. There are also a number of other practical matters to take into consideration.

Warm Welcome Service

On certain dates before each semester, Leiden University offers a warm welcome service for newly-arriving international students. If you arrive on one of these dates, you can sign up for the welcome service at Amsterdam Schiphol airport, Leiden train station or the Hague Hollandspoor train station. You can also visit an information lounge with any questions you might have about post-arrival practicalities

Dates of the next Warm Welcome Service:

  • Students who will live in The Hague: 14, 15, 16 August 2019
  • Students who will live in Leiden: 21, 22, 23 August 2019

If you have any questions about the Warm Welcome Service, please send a mail to:  or find more information on the Leiden University webpage. More information TBA.